Linter Group

Linter Group – experienced partner providing comprehensive solutions for the industry

The Group has grown out of a small family business set up in Wolbrom in 1988. The continual growth and experienced staff of our company let us establish the Linter Group which since then has expanded its offer for further industries offering the most comprehensive solutions for partners at home and abroad.
The structure of the Group together with the extensive and complementary offer allow us to operate as a designer, producer, contractor and supplier of specialised services, as well as a general contractor of investments.

Currently, we employ more than 1500 people, generate revenues at the level of 40 million EUR per year and expand our presence in foreign markets consistently.

LINTER S.A. is a leading company in the Group – this is a significant producer of bulk material handling systems, machinery for dense liquid separation and mineral processing in the Polish market. LINTER S.A. designs and manufactures complete conveyor-driven systems which may be applied in numerous business fields and industries. The company offers its customers comprehensive solutions such as: designing and engineering services, production of machines, installation and commissioning as well as staff trainings for its customers.

We offer our customers a wide range of components and spare parts for transport systems offered by MET-ROLL Sp. z o.o.

Thanks to our experienced staff and specialised equipment, we are able to provide technologically-advanced services for the mining industry rendered by two companies : Linter Mining Sp. z o.o. and PRG LINTER S.A.

Feel invited to get acquainted with our offer and information on the companies under the LINTER Group.

LINTER MINING Sp. z o.o. and PRG LINTER S. A. - comprehensive services for the mining sector

linterminingLINTER MINING Sp. z o.o. – one of the companies within the LINTER GROUP – offers specialised underground works for the mining industry. The company – offering expert solutions within the whole range of mining works – is the market leader in the Polish mining industry. Our efforts to build long-lasting relations with the Client have resulted in nearly 10 years of cooperation with the major mining companies such as JSW SA and PKW SA (currently TAURON WYDOBYCIE), KHW S.A. and Kompania Węglowa S.A. (currently PGG S.A.)

prglinterPRG LINTER S.A. – a company targeted to cooperate with Lubelski Węgiel “Bogdanka SA” – offers the same range of specialised works. Our efforts aimed at continuous development make PRG LINTER further expand its offer with new methods to enhance cooperation and provide better business effects.


Both companies offer the following services:

  • tunnelling: mining drifts, descending and rising galleries (according to the methods agreed with the Client, e.g. by means of mining machines or explosives)
  • works aimed to maintain mining drifts
  • shotcreting, anchoring, drilling and tunnelling works of various kinds
  • filling cavities in the rock mass
  • installation and maintenance of underground machines and equipment
  • disassembly of mine-heading and drift infrastructure, mining tooling and machinery

The key merits of the two companies:

  • experience in running works under harsh mining conditions
  • experienced supervisory staff
  • experienced underground workers
  • access to mining equipment
  • reliable local service provider oriented at long-term cooperation and offering the full range of mining services
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Cntact :

Linter Mining Sp. z o.o.
ul. 1 Maja 16F
44-300 Wodzisław Śląski

e-mail :

ul. Górnicza 5A,
21-010 Łęczna

tel./fax: +48  81 462 10 05          e-mail:

MET-ROLL Sp. z o.o. - recognized producer of parts and components for transport systems
met-rollMET-ROLL Sp. z o.o. was established in 2004 and specialises in the production of a wide range of high-quality idlers and rollers as well as other products such as: pulleys, drums, gears or chain clutches

The company design projects and final products fulfil all the PN ISO 9001:2001 requirements.

MET-ROLL products are certified by the Central Office of Mining (pol. Główny Urząd Górniczy, GIG) to be used underground at mine operating conditions.

MET-ROLL specialises in the production of various types of idlers and rollers:

  • smooth
  • disc-based
  • ring-based
  • directional and supporting
  • garland-typed

To ensure their maximum tightness three types of plastic and steel seals are used:

  • S-type
  • N-type
  • F-type

The product assortment offered by MET-ROLL also includes the following parts for belts conveyors:

  • rubber-fabric belts;
  • rubber products;
  • technical seals;
  • driving, control, tension pulleys and drums;
  • supports for idlers and rollers;
  • gears;
  • chain clutches;
  • other conveyor components.

Currently, MET-ROLL has been a leading company in the Polish market. The production provided by MET-ROLL is addressed to numerous industries engaging conveyors in their production process. For many years products offered by MET-ROLL have been exported, among others, to: France, Morocco, Hungary, Austria, Estonia and others.

Contact :

MET-ROLL sp. z.o.o.
Łobzów 163
32-340 Wolbrom

tel. +48  32 793 71 12          e-mail :
